This course is presented over the course of two days: Day 1 offers a standard for planning based on the spectrum of “Tactical Excellence” (accomplishing the mission with minimal costs) and “Tactical Failure” (missions where the costs exceeded the benefits of accomplishing the mission). The course will provide a tool for managing time called the “Time-constrained Planning Process”, which can be used when investigators/officers have between 2 and 48 hours to plan a mission. Investigators/officers will also be introduced to a tool for managing information called the “Concept of the Operation”. Students will break up into teams and plan a time-constrained mission over lunch. After lunch, a class on giving a military-style mission brief is taught, followed by the students briefing their mission to the class. The final class of Day 1 is how to conduct an After-Action Review. Day 2 provides investigators/officers an overview of the Army’s “Deliberate Mission Planning Process” which is a tool for managing time when officers have more than 48 hours to plan a more complex and challenging mission. The course will provide instruction on a tool for managing information called the Operations Order. Investigators/officers then work through each step of this deliberate planning process to plan the mission over the lunch hour. After lunch, the students will fill out the Operations Order and brief the class their mission. The class concludes with a written final exam and then an after-action review of the course.
Prerequisites: Computer with Microsoft Office, internet access
Course Length: 2 Days / 16 Hours
Course Location: Camp Murray, WA