NW HIDTA Sponsored Training Courses

Upcoming Training



SEPTEMBER 9-13, 2024

The Rolling Surveillance course will teach proper and creative vehicle and foot surveillance techniques with emphasis on the importance of proper planning, organization, Patience, Discipline, Communication, Trust, Teamwork and Technique – The six critical active elements for success ™ This course provides practical and creative techniques with the ability to identify and respond to counter surveillance (CS) by street level and sophisticated organized criminals. The focus is on surface streets and freeway situations along with a variety of stationary set-up exercises.  ** Class is FULL.  If you register you will be added to the waitlist.


SEPTEMBER 17, 2024

Fentanyl Safety & Awareness provides an overview of the characteristics and hazards of fentanyl and other synthetic opioids. Students will learn about current tactics, techniques and procedures to mitigate hazards to first responders when fentanyl or other harmful illicit substances are present at a scene. The course will also cover the proper use and wear of personal protective equipment, decontamination procedures, and basic first aid measures to help prevent and mitigate incidental exposure to hazardous illicit substances. This is a modular course that can be tailored to agency/organization needs. Course Length: 4 Hours Prerequisites: None


SEPTEMBER 17-19, 2024

This course will enable students to perform standard basic criminal parallel investigations that incorporate criminal finance analysis in support of law enforcement investigations, intelligence, or prosecution. The primary instructive objective is to develop the capability of investigators and analysts to develop capabilities and conduct illicit finance analysis. Upon completion of this course, you will be able to determine if money laundering and currency violations can assist in expanding investigations and prosecution through adding additional targets and asset forfeiture provisions with appropriate statutes.  This training is provided at no cost to the attendees.  ***Training will be held in Ferndale, WA***


SEPTEMBER 18, 2024

This course provides a summary of experiences working opioid death investigations.  The training highlights best practices and the unique challenges of these complicated and time-consuming cases.  The instructors will provide an overview of the case process and procedures when working suspected overdose death investigations, and will review Washington State Controlled Substance Homicides RCW 69.50.415.  The instructors will use case studies as the format for the discussion and are looking for active engagement from class attendees.


SEPTEMBER 19, 2024

Taught by Bill Loucks, this course covers the most commonly missed “red flag” indicators in narcotics/undercover operations. Controlled substances touch almost every angle in police work from narcotics, gangs, human trafficking, prostitution, CID, homicide/cold case, fraud, missing persons, etc. Anyone in any investigative element is encouraged to attend to gain knowledge on enhanced safety and better operational planning from this course.  ** This is an 8-hour course.  Training will be from 8am to 5pm. **


SEPTEMBER 19, 2024

Fentanyl Safety & Awareness provides an overview of the characteristics and hazards of fentanyl and other synthetic opioids. Students will learn about current tactics, techniques and procedures to mitigate hazards to first responders when fentanyl or other harmful illicit substances are present at a scene. The course will also cover the proper use and wear of personal protective equipment, decontamination procedures, and basic first aid measures to help prevent and mitigate incidental exposure to hazardous illicit substances. This is a modular course that can be tailored to agency/organization needs. Course Length: 4 Hours Prerequisites: None


SEPTEMBER 24, 2024

This course is designed for all Law Enforcement Personnel that enforce drug laws to include patrol, investigators, agents, corrections, probation, parole and all others who possess authority to investigate and come into contact with illicit drugs and materials. The object of this course is to develop the situational awareness of the students to safely identify, and effectively respond to the dynamic situations that illicit manufacturing entails. Topics include fentanyl pill press, illegal indoor/outdoor marijuana production, designer drugs, and meth labs. Prerequisites: None Course Length: 1 Day / 4 Hours


SEPTEMBER 26, 2024

This course is designed for all Law Enforcement Personnel that enforce drug laws to include patrol, investigators, agents, corrections, probation, parole and all others who possess authority to investigate and come into contact with illicit drugs and materials. The object of this course is to develop the situational awareness of the students to safely identify, and effectively respond to the dynamic situations that illicit manufacturing entails. Topics include fentanyl pill press, illegal indoor/outdoor marijuana production, designer drugs, and meth labs. Prerequisites: None Course Length: 1 Day / 4 Hours



OCTOBER 1-3, 2024

The three-day training course on THE REID TECHNIQUE OF INTERVIEWING AND INTERROGATION® consists of three primary topics:1. Behavior Symptom Analysis;  2. REID BEHAVIOR ANALYSIS INTERVIEW™; 3. REID NINE STEPS OF INTERROGATION®.

BEHAVIOR SYMPTOM ANALYSIS: During this segment of the program we discuss the verbal and nonverbal behavior symptoms that are displayed by a person who is telling the truth during a non-accusatory interview, as well as those displayed by a person who is withholding or fabricating relevant information.

REID BEHAVIOR ANALYSIS INTERVIEW™Most investigative interviews consist of two types of questions – investigative and behavior provoking.  Investigative questions concern the subject’s version of events, alibi or activities at the time in question, developed by the traditional who, what, where, when, why and how type of questions.  Behavior provoking questions are ones that are used to assess the subject’s truthfulness by evaluating the nature of their response.

REID NINE STEPS OF INTERROGATION® In this segment of the training program we will discuss the interrogation process, beginning with how to initiate the confrontation; develop the interrogational theme; stop denials; overcome objections; and, use the alternative question to stimulate the admission. Each participant will receive an extensive training manual designed for note taking and Certificate of course completion.

Cost: Free


OCTOBER 9-10, 2024

The Enhanced Tactical Medicine course is designed to teach Law Enforcement Officers and other first responders how to treat and manage trauma patients in a civilian tactical environment. Utilizing a mix of classroom presentation and hands-on skills training, attendees will learn how to provide life-sustaining treatments in threatening conditions. Instructors will leverage overseas and domestic military experiences in order to illustrate and convey lessons learned in hostile situations. This course requires a 16-hour (2-day) commitment from students and provides more in depth modules and hands-on skills practice than is offered in the Basic Tactical Medicine course. The second day includes evaluated scenarios that require students to practice tactics as well as life-saving treatment for casualties. Upon course completion, students will be able to identify and treat the leading causes of preventable death in a multi-phase tactical environment. Prerequisites: None Course Length: 2 Days / 16 Hours Course Location: Camp Murray, WA


OCTOBER 17, 2024

Taught by International Narcotics Interdiction Association Instructor Steve Duncan. This presentation will provide an historical account of the Mexican Drug Cartels and their mission of controlling their territories through the practice of Narco-Terrorism. Enforcement, drug distribution, kidnapping, public corruption, extortion and money laundering will be detailed as well as investigative strategies targeting the Cartels.


OCTOBER 23, 2024

Northwest HIDTA and the Puyallup Police Department are hosting HITS Training & Consulting's one day training course for all Law Enforcement Drug Detection Canine Teams. This 8 hour course is designed specifically to enhance your skills at articulating necessary facts which are  important to showing K9 reliability during court proceedings. The training consists of a Canine Search and Seizure Lecture and a presentation on Record Keeping and Court Testimony. ** Open to Law Enforcement Drug Detection Canine Handlers Only **


OCTOBER 29-30, 2024

This course is presented over the course of two days: Day 1 offers a standard for planning based on the spectrum of “Tactical Excellence” (accomplishing the mission with minimal costs) and “Tactical Failure” (missions where the costs exceeded the benefits of accomplishing the mission).  The course will provide a tool for managing time called the “Time-constrained Planning Process”, which can be used when investigators/officers have between 2 and 48 hours to plan a mission.  Investigators/officers will also be introduced to a tool for managing information called the “Concept of the Operation”.  Students will break up into teams and plan a time-constrained mission over lunch.  After lunch, a class on giving a military-style mission brief is taught, followed by the students briefing their mission to the class.  The final class of Day 1 is how to conduct an After-Action Review.  Day 2 provides investigators/officers an overview of the Army’s “Deliberate Mission Planning Process” which is a tool for managing time when officers have more than 48 hours to plan a more complex and challenging mission.  The course will provide instruction on a tool for managing information called the Operations Order.  Investigators/officers then work through each step of this deliberate planning process to plan the mission over the lunch hour. After lunch, the students will fill out the Operations Order and brief the class their mission.  The class concludes with a written final exam and then an after-action review of the course. Prerequisites: Computer with Microsoft Office, internet access Course Length: 2 Days / 16 Hours



NOVEMBER 6-7, 2024

This course is designed to teach Law Enforcement Officers and other first responders how to treat and manage trauma patients in a civilian tactical environment. Utilizing a mix of classroom presentation and hands-on skills training, attendees will learn how to provide life-sustaining treatments in threatening conditions. Instructors will leverage overseas and domestic military experiences in order to illustrate and convey lessons learned in hostile situations. This course requires a 16-hour (2-day) commitment from students and provides more in depth modules and hands-on skills practice than is offered in the Basic Tactical Medicine course. The second day includes evaluated scenarios that require students to practice tactics as well as life-saving treatment for casualties. Upon course completion, students will be able to identify and treat the leading causes of preventable death in a multi-phase tactical environment. Prerequisites: None Course Length: 2 Days / 16 Hours


NOVEMBER 19-20, 2024

Use of Force Core Principles is a sixteen-hour course aimed at officers and detectives working in Washington State. Use of force is the biggest exposure law enforcement professionals face in today’s world. The course will cover current legal standards for using force, use of force decision making, use of force reporting, force reporting, critical analysis of force, tactics and duty to intervene. The material in the course is delivered via our expert professional presenter model to drive discussion and the processing of information to maximize student learning and retention. Instructed by Tom Ovens. Tom has served as an expert witness for over twenty-two years and has testified in both State and Federal Court. He is a recognized expert in use of force, training, patrol work, police procedure, police supervision, patrol procedures, tactics, tactical operations, and investigations. Tom is a certified Force Analyst through the Force Science Institute and his work was featured in their news line. He is a retired police officer with over thirty years of service. Tom was most recently assigned to the Force Review Unit/Force Investigations Team, FRU/FIT, where he reviewed and conducted investigations in police use of force. Prior to working in the FRU, Tom worked in the Office of Police Accountability, OPA, where he was a Lieutenant and supervised investigations and investigated complaints of official misconduct.



DECEMBER 4-5, 2024

This course is presented over the course of two days: Day 1 offers a standard for planning based on the spectrum of “Tactical Excellence” (accomplishing the mission with minimal costs) and “Tactical Failure” (missions where the costs exceeded the benefits of accomplishing the mission).  The course will provide a tool for managing time called the “Time-constrained Planning Process”, which can be used when investigators/officers have between 2 and 48 hours to plan a mission.  Investigators/officers will also be introduced to a tool for managing information called the “Concept of the Operation”.  Students will break up into teams and plan a time-constrained mission over lunch.  After lunch, a class on giving a military-style mission brief is taught, followed by the students briefing their mission to the class.  The final class of Day 1 is how to conduct an After-Action Review.  Day 2 provides investigators/officers an overview of the Army’s “Deliberate Mission Planning Process” which is a tool for managing time when officers have more than 48 hours to plan a more complex and challenging mission.  The course will provide instruction on a tool for managing information called the Operations Order.  Investigators/officers then work through each step of this deliberate planning process to plan the mission over the lunch hour. After lunch, the students will fill out the Operations Order and brief the class their mission.  The class concludes with a written final exam and then an after-action review of the course. Prerequisites: Computer with Microsoft Office, internet access Course Length: 2 Days / 16 Hours Course Location: Camp Murray, WA


DECEMBER 11, 2024 (8AM to 12PM)

This course provides law enforcement officers and first responders with fundamental knowledge and an overview of characteristics, hazards, and availability of synthetic opioids, such as Fentanyl, within the illegal drug market. This course is designed to train responders in the identification of Fentanyl, Fentanyl related substances, and other synthetic opioids. Personnel are also trained on current tactics, techniques and procedures utilized to mitigate hazards to first responders during a synthetic opioid incident. This course also covers planning considerations for personnel to implement to include: personal protection equipment selection; methods for presumptive field testing and laboratory confirmatory testing; and available local, state and federal resources. Course Location: Seattle, WA; Course Hours: 8am to 12pm; Course Cost: Free; Prerequisites: None


DECEMBER 11, 2024 (1PM TO 5PM)

This course is designed for all law enforcement officers including uniformed patrol, investigators, agents, corrections, probation, parole and all others who possess authority to investigate and come into contact with illicit drugs and materials. The object of this course is to develop the situational awareness of the students to safely identify, and effectively respond to the dynamic situations that illicit manufacturing entails. Topics include fentanyl pill presses, illegal indoor/outdoor marijuana cultivation operations, and clandestine laboratories used to manufacture methamphetamine and other controlled substances.  Course Location: Seattle, WA; Course Hours: 1pm to 5pm; Course Cost: Free; Prerequisites: None


DECEMBER 12, 2024 (8AM TO 12PM)

Fentanyl Safety & Awareness provides an overview of the characteristics and hazards of fentanyl and other synthetic opioids. Students will learn about current tactics, techniques and procedures to mitigate hazards to first responders when fentanyl or other harmful illicit substances are present at a scene. The course will also cover the proper use and wear of personal protective equipment, decontamination procedures, and basic first aid measures to help prevent and mitigate incidental exposure to hazardous illicit substances.  Course Location: Seattle, WA; Course Hours: 8am to 12pm; Course Cost: Free; Prerequisites: None


DECEMBER 12, 2024 (1PM TO 5PM)

The main purpose of this course is to help protect first responders who may encounter fentanyl during a response, and with consequence management in the form of decontamination. This objective is achieved by providing information to help detect the presence of fentanyl, identify hazards associated with those substances, and mitigate those hazards and contamination. While the curriculum is primarily intended for investigators, patrol officers, corrections officers, and parole & probation officers, other law enforcement support personnel may find information in this course useful during encounters with fentanyl products. This course is also beneficial for individuals who may find themselves needing to decontaminate fentanyl contaminated surface as part of their duties.  Course Location: Seattle, WA; Course Hours: 1pm to 5pm; Course Cost: Free; Prerequisites: None

Training Suggestions